Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Police decide not to cooperate with Raajje TV

Maldives Police Service have revealed its decision to cease extending cooperation to opposition Raajje TV. In a statement explaining the decision, Police alleged that Raajje TV was continuously broadcasting fabricated and false content intended to defame, tarnish and undermine the integrity of the Police in the eyes of the people.

“In addition, the blatant efforts to report false information about the Police for specific political gains is not the type of conduct associated with media professionalism or the conduct expected of the media in democratic nations,” statement read.

While Police have announced its decision, Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) has ordered RaajjeTV for a public apology citing that the opposition television station had reported news accusing policemen of stealing petrol from a motorcycle without proper verification of the incident.

In the letter, MBC stated that the commission had noted the fact that RaajjeTV had failed to retract the misleading news report even after the police had given details explaining how the incident had truly occurred. Hence MBC ordered “RaajjeTV” to apologize and make a public statement regarding the matter in accordance with the broadcasting rules and regulations.

In response to the MBC warning, Raajje TV said last night that a decision would be made today after legal advice is sought.
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